A poem to go along with Normalcy

Posted by Dianeism , Wednesday, May 19, 2010 4:03 PM

Social Construction

From ten inches to five feet one images in images out
Even if they are unfair I’m not supposed to pout
Taking them in one by one
By age seven the big picture is done

Everyone tells me what’s right what’s wrong
Finally I learn what everyone else has known all along
Somewhere between four feet five inches to five feet long my identity was gone
Torn apart by the environments song

During this time rebellion was inevitable
Although in some ways regrettable
Holding me back, I went down while I fought
Soon, conforming began to be what I sought

An empty structure hollow inside
In no one could I confide
Striving and Starving for something more
Shallow everything seemed, obsessing over all the glitz and glamour

Socially constructed it took hard work to un-break the broken, my shield is re-covering
Never again will I be affected by societal smothering

Constructed in a robotic function
Programming social re-construction

3 Response to "A poem to go along with Normalcy"

Sir Peelers Says:

I think this is your best poem so far. It's amazing how clear hindsight actually is.

Dianeism Says:

Thanks! This one was written about 5 years ago. It's pretty nerve racking making all this public, but what would be the point in writing it if it stayed in my desk drawer. Thankfully God gave me some balls (metaphorically speaking) haha. Thanks for reading!

Amanda Griffith Says:

I think the picture metaphor is great. This is so true, the way our passions fizzle out. Your poem is reflective and complex. Nice work. Check out my poem on my dad for Father's Day at http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/3007694/father.html?cat=42

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