A poem to go along with Education for Dummies

Posted by Dianeism , Thursday, May 27, 2010 5:14 PM

The Education Sanction
Kindergarten, first, second, second, third
Two times in second was considered absurd
The first grade was the worst experience of all
The teacher treated me as if I couldn’t even crawl

With her dis-encouraging words, she poked fun
Anytime she called my name my body became numb
My anxiety increased by three times three
But not even my parents could see
I had a learning disability

Confused why the girls and boys attention in class did not equate
By the time I received help it was already too late
They convinced the inconvincible that I didn’t have what it takes
Learning to be quiet is the personality I began to fake

My peers also helped my spirit dwindle
They made my life be the ultimate symbol
Focusing on them, I lost focus in school
I never realized how kids could be so cruel

Sometimes I felt like I shouldn’t even try
Some went above and beyond, some were mediocre, that I can not deny
But, maybe they would have tried harder if I was a different gender
If more effort was made, maybe I would not have surrendered, at this age your life is very tender, it shaped who I am, a non-defender

Receiving outside intervention by someone so ignorant
I would have rather gotten my advice from an infant
Prescribed pill after pill I did not have a say
A bad reaction was soon on its way
I can not express in the way that I reacted
Let’s just say you don’t want a re-enactment

Attacked by the mind something was not right
The pill popping ended in a fight
After explaining to my parents that I did what I could
They let me be free, as they should
All this at the age of seven
Third, fourth, and fifth felt like heaven

The hardest part was over, but a knew problem had just begun
School put pressure on me to only be beautiful and for my intelligence to equal none
Afraid to speak for fear of not sounding smart
I wander if I would feel this way if I didn’t have a wrong start

What I needed then was not given
This is now what makes me driven
Now that I am in college I can never know enough
Getting over this is going to be tough

Fixing my voice and my confidence I’ve rose to the challenge, thanks to this experience I’ve grown stronger
No one can tell me what I can and can’t do any longer
I hope that others will learn from the moral of my story
Take it all in and see all its glory

Here is the answer to the question of the educator
The future lies within you, enrich lives, until more money is put in the educational system by the legislature
Until then, I will see you later
For those of you who made me a non-believer do me a favor

Pay attention the Board of Education; I’ve got a message, so listen to what’s in store
From now on I will spread my wings and soar
I will do the unthinkable until you gasp and hit the floor
No longer will I be ignored and treated like a chore
I am a woman hear my roar

Education for Dummies

Posted by Dianeism 5:09 PM

D is for Dummy and F is for failure, these are the grades I came to know well while in school. While I have a few bones to pick with the Educational System, I do want to say that being a teacher is such a respectable and underpaid profession. I’ve had so many teachers over the years that really cared and made a huge difference in my learning life. I thank them all for that. It must be so rewarding to finally see that light bulb go off. Having stated that, my difficulties in school started in the second grade. I was labeled LD (learning disabled) and was sent to LD classrooms where kids misbehaved from lack of self-esteem about their place in modern academia. This label is so detrimental to the delicate minds of young children. It has a negative connotation and we got made fun of for our “below average” grades. I was given different pills for dealing with my concentration problem and depression pills to deal with the ridicule I undertook in school and the self-esteem loss for feeling stupid in comparison to the other kids.

You are setting children up for failure when you label them an LD. They won’t put much importance on education and depending on their nature, they just might simply give up. I gave up which is why I spent most of my life trying to catch up to everyone else. What I’ve learned now is that Attention Deficit Disorder, in my case, is code for creativity. My mind wandered during class because I have an imagination and introspective mind. I may have never made good grades, but it took spending 50 G’s at Clemson to realize that I am smart. Just not in the way that the educational system measures it. I realize life isn’t fair, but what if we could change the way we see academics and grades. What if we removed D’s and F’s from the grading scale? What if we tailored different programs in the education systems that spoke to kids with different types of smarts. I realize every child needs the basics, but will I EVER need to know what the square root of four is? No, probably not and at least I haven’t yet and honestly who cares! I’m not a mathematician and never will be. You can’t force a square peg in a round whole.

Art classes are electives, which makes it seem like they are less important. I think if your artistic, then in high school you need to be exploring that avenue rather then taking the wasteful chemistry class. I know there are private schools for these types of things, but honestly who has the money for that sort of thing. We rely on the government to make such decisions and so far they’ve been mute.

It was so difficult growing up with a learning disorder. Not only did I experience some traumatic experiences, like boys in the LD classes grabbing my chest with my hands tied around my back, but also I rebelled and got angry because of it. It seemed like everyone was working against me. I even had an authority figure tell my mother I shouldn’t go to college due to my 8th grade writing capabilities at the age of 18. I wasn’t really sure if I’d ever go to college or amount to much because of all of this. I have since then come to my senses, but it’s because I have a lot of support and insight. Had I not, who knows where I’d be. The future is the most important thing to protect and if we don’t protect the minds of children who face issues like this, then your future congressman could be sitting in jail right now because he/she never saw his/her own potential.

Educational reform is scary and cost money, but the cost of losing one brilliant mind in a crowd is higher than any penny spent.

A poem to go along with Normalcy

Posted by Dianeism , Wednesday, May 19, 2010 4:03 PM

Social Construction

From ten inches to five feet one images in images out
Even if they are unfair I’m not supposed to pout
Taking them in one by one
By age seven the big picture is done

Everyone tells me what’s right what’s wrong
Finally I learn what everyone else has known all along
Somewhere between four feet five inches to five feet long my identity was gone
Torn apart by the environments song

During this time rebellion was inevitable
Although in some ways regrettable
Holding me back, I went down while I fought
Soon, conforming began to be what I sought

An empty structure hollow inside
In no one could I confide
Striving and Starving for something more
Shallow everything seemed, obsessing over all the glitz and glamour

Socially constructed it took hard work to un-break the broken, my shield is re-covering
Never again will I be affected by societal smothering

Constructed in a robotic function
Programming social re-construction


Posted by Dianeism 3:56 PM

Good ole’ Webster tells us that the definition of normal is “Ordinary, average, usual; having average intelligence”, but I disagree with the definition. No one person is ordinary everyone is original. Sometimes if you feel like your life is boring you have to spice things up a bit and you might consider doing something “abnormal”. If you think about everyone you know most of them have some kind of weird tendancy that they do or say. Some of your friends may mumble to himself or herself, or say really random things that don't make sense and carry on conversations in their sleep. To me these things and things like these are not abnormal. They are the characteristics that make people unique.

If everyone acted the same life would be quite boring. I grew up in a crazy family, we’re loud, we talk about random things, and we probably don’t make sense to a lot of people. I guess that is why I have a different definition of normal. Ok there are some characteristics that everyone considers abnormal, but those are mostly things that freak people out. For example, someone who hides in the bushes and jumps out at people because they like hearing people scream. Now that is abnormal and scary, but everyone has something weird up their sleeve and if it is not visible it is hiding in their closet. All you have to do to open the flood gate, make them feel comfortable, get to know them and the truth comes out. There are probably some people that think that they are “normal” people, but I guarantee if they asked one of their best friends if they do anything abnormal, the answer would hash up some dirt. I guess the fact that we are all abnormal gives us a sense of normalcy. So my definition of normalcy is in fact abnormal.

A poem to go along with God need I say more

Posted by Dianeism , Saturday, May 15, 2010 11:26 AM

Come back to me

When you get busy just stop and come back to me.
When you do, you will see that you will share peace with me.
By doing good for others you will feel close to me.
You will learn that whatever will be will be.
Everyday you must pray with me.
When things go wrong you must stay with me.
You must know you are free because of me.
And these are the things that will help you come back to me.

God....need I say more...oh wait yes I will!

Posted by Dianeism 10:47 AM

First I'd like to say that I don't know everything. I've simply pondered life and God and have come to some conclusions based on my experiences. All of it is subject to change based on future conclusions and persuasions. It doesn't even matter what religion I am, but I am a christian. Here is what I've found:
There IS a GOD. He's for real alright and winked at me too. But, I look around at how beautiful things are and wonder how people don't believe. Yes, there is ugly here too, but this is a part of life and why its not called heaven. Everything here was made for you its unbelievably hard to think it was all just an accident. Everything just so happened to fall into place. Not just the formation of the earth, but the perfect way in which our bodies function and heal themselves. Oxygen made for us to breathe, food to nourish, water the gas that ignites the engine, and procreation that helps sustain life on earth. These were all on purpose. If your argument is why not it be an accident it's because no accidence are this perfect. Not to say that life is perfect because bad things happen, but everything we need is here. If it's not at your finger tips then try and go get it or pray for it. The power of prayer is greater than most people think. I've seen it in action.
About tragedy and the negative, those things have a purpose too. Whether its to make you stronger, smarter, better, challenge you, build character, or strengthen your relationship with God. Everyone has a cross to bare, I think it's how you get to heaven. You pay for your sins in the bad things that happen to you, things that you can't pay for in a monetary amount.
Why'd he create us? I don't know boredom? Love? I can't answer that only ponder, but when I think about why my parents created me, it was out of love and boredom and oh yeah it felt good too haha. I'm just glad I wasn't there to witness...ew (sorry mom and dad had to put that in there).
I do believe that Jesus was a prophet. I think God knew that people before Jesus were lost, so he provided someone to show the way. But, I don't think that Jesus was the only prophet sent from God. He died for the sins of man because the greatest way to show love is sacrafice. His main objective while down here was to teach us to love and help others no matter their religion, race, and background of each individual. We were ALL and I do mean All made by him. Even the grumpiest of grumpy, mean and frigid. Maybe by showing some kindness and love to even the grumpy can turn them into the opposite. We need to lead by example which is harder to do then it sounds. So, if you try everyday to do the best you can I think you'll be OK.
Just as God has chosen to relate to Christians with Jesus, I think he has chosen to relate to others of different religions in different ways as well. Every culture, country, and individual is unique. Just like everyone speaks in different languages, eat different foods, pray in different ways, they relate to God in different ways too. As long as your God believes in doing the righteous and loving thing, then he is my God too. No matter the religion. But, you HAVE to work on your relationship with God. If you never think about him, pray to him, visit him, he won't know you. If there is one person you want to know you, it's him because believe me you want to be with him in paradise. And if your not sure if he's real, why take the risk? Maybe if you try and work on building a relationship with him you'll find that he was there all along.
Sometimes I wonder if purgatory was made for the not so good, but not too bad people. I meant that would be fair right? Think about the people before Christ. Would it be fair to send them all the Hell? God is all about some fairness and equality and I really don't think he would do that. I think that purgatory is here on earth. The ghosts that walk among us trapped between heaven and hell. They have to be prayed out and do some soul searching/God reparation to go up and disregard to go down. I don't necessary think it's predetermined when your made what will happen to your soul. Good souls have gone bad, and bad souls gone good. I think nature/nurture aids you in your destiny. And of course free will and resisting temptation strengthens your relationship with God.
I think that God is the most important person in relationships between men and women too. If you both as individuals have a good relationship with God and you also have one together, usually you'll last forever. Unless there isn't love involved. I don't believe that one person in the relationship should submit to the other. You both submit to each other. God made men and women equal. Both to love and die for each other, make decisions together, no one person with the final say.
Ok I think that covers everything. Once again I don't know-it-all, but this is all I know. Please enlighten me on your thoughts as you reply. They are welcome as long as they are civil.

Oh yeah one more thing, to the question of dogs or cats, I'd say dogs because dog spelled backwards is God. haha Just kidding I love cats equally for their differences. I actually think its funny because dogs have always been considered man's best friend and that is what God is to man too.

A poem to go along with Fair Game :)

Posted by Dianeism , Thursday, May 13, 2010 7:00 PM

Nate the Snake

Nate the snake lives life as a fake.
He breaks his dates while they fall for his traits.
You wait and wait for him to awake, but he never awakes and it makes you irrate.
Since Nate loves to rake in his bait, he'll take and take until it's to late.
For goodness sake, he'll never find a mate because Nate's fate is based on his mistakes.
So don't wait for Nate because based on his traits all it will bring is aches and heartbreaks.

Fair Game

Posted by Dianeism 6:41 PM

When the hotness of the summer hits the surface, the layers of clothes peal off, outdoor activities become a must, and it also seems to bring passion and new relationships into people’s lives. I don’t know why, but it seems like during the warm months people’s hormones seem to awaken from a winter slumber. When we come to the end of our warm day’s, people scramble to find someone to hibernate with over the cold winter nights. Some people might disagree with me, but dating really is a game. Now, I am not saying hurting people’s feelings is cool because it’s not, but most of us have led at least someone on in our lives or done something to someone that we wouldn’t want done to ourselves. We all make mistakes and do things we shouldn’t so in the dating game people’s feelings are bound to get hurt. So if you don’t want to get hurt just don’t enter into the dating game, which is of course impossible. There are people who do maliciously try to hurt other people and those people were just born in the bellows of a heartless hell. However, the majority of people are those who don’t mean to be hurtful. Even if we don’t want to hurt someone on purpose we still receive bad karma in one way or another. Life can be so confusing and most of us don’t know what we want, that is why we make mistakes.
I am not a fan of leading on people and people should not do it, but since mistakes are inevitable the person being led on should recognize it and move on. If you are not sure how to tell if you are being led on, here is how to know. If your crush says one thing and does another or does one thing and says another, most of the time that means they are confused and do not know what they want. Get out while you can if you are in this situation because most of the time you will get hurt. One of the only ways to make the person who is leading you on realize what they want is to leave them alone. Some might call this playing hard to get, but that is exactly what they have been doing to you so go for it. If the person who leads you on goes about their business and stops bothering you, its time to move on. Or the string puller might realize what he or she wants when your gone and come after you. Or the they might come back to you, then leave you again and rinse and repeat. These people are still confused and you should tell them to take a hike and make them chase you a little. Most people like when someone shows less interest in them so they can figure out ways to make you like them again. This is the reason dating is called a game, because someone will finish first in everyone’s race its only a matter of time. I plan on enjoying it while it lasts because your only young once. I have my whole life to live with a ball and chain. Once your in a relationship your locked up and marriage is throwing away the key, so you'd better find someone you can stand for a life sentence!
Dating fopauxs are tricky and different advice should be given based on individual instances. Everyone should be cautious when it comes to other people’s feelings, but just remember everyone makes mistakes.