A poem to go along with Education for Dummies

Posted by Dianeism , Thursday, May 27, 2010 5:14 PM

The Education Sanction
Kindergarten, first, second, second, third
Two times in second was considered absurd
The first grade was the worst experience of all
The teacher treated me as if I couldn’t even crawl

With her dis-encouraging words, she poked fun
Anytime she called my name my body became numb
My anxiety increased by three times three
But not even my parents could see
I had a learning disability

Confused why the girls and boys attention in class did not equate
By the time I received help it was already too late
They convinced the inconvincible that I didn’t have what it takes
Learning to be quiet is the personality I began to fake

My peers also helped my spirit dwindle
They made my life be the ultimate symbol
Focusing on them, I lost focus in school
I never realized how kids could be so cruel

Sometimes I felt like I shouldn’t even try
Some went above and beyond, some were mediocre, that I can not deny
But, maybe they would have tried harder if I was a different gender
If more effort was made, maybe I would not have surrendered, at this age your life is very tender, it shaped who I am, a non-defender

Receiving outside intervention by someone so ignorant
I would have rather gotten my advice from an infant
Prescribed pill after pill I did not have a say
A bad reaction was soon on its way
I can not express in the way that I reacted
Let’s just say you don’t want a re-enactment

Attacked by the mind something was not right
The pill popping ended in a fight
After explaining to my parents that I did what I could
They let me be free, as they should
All this at the age of seven
Third, fourth, and fifth felt like heaven

The hardest part was over, but a knew problem had just begun
School put pressure on me to only be beautiful and for my intelligence to equal none
Afraid to speak for fear of not sounding smart
I wander if I would feel this way if I didn’t have a wrong start

What I needed then was not given
This is now what makes me driven
Now that I am in college I can never know enough
Getting over this is going to be tough

Fixing my voice and my confidence I’ve rose to the challenge, thanks to this experience I’ve grown stronger
No one can tell me what I can and can’t do any longer
I hope that others will learn from the moral of my story
Take it all in and see all its glory

Here is the answer to the question of the educator
The future lies within you, enrich lives, until more money is put in the educational system by the legislature
Until then, I will see you later
For those of you who made me a non-believer do me a favor

Pay attention the Board of Education; I’ve got a message, so listen to what’s in store
From now on I will spread my wings and soar
I will do the unthinkable until you gasp and hit the floor
No longer will I be ignored and treated like a chore
I am a woman hear my roar

2 Response to "A poem to go along with Education for Dummies"

Sir Peelers Says:

Grade school is tough on everyone and to think kids are going to finish it completely unscathed is madness. Unfortunately we all have to endure the pain and misery it brings. Even though I did pretty well in school, soccer was the only really really good thing going for me at that time, so when I think of high school, I try not to think of anything else.

Dianeism Says:

Yeah it took me a long time to get over all of the school issues, but I came out on top! I wouldn't change anything I went through cause it made me who I am!

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