
Posted by Dianeism , Wednesday, May 19, 2010 3:56 PM

Good ole’ Webster tells us that the definition of normal is “Ordinary, average, usual; having average intelligence”, but I disagree with the definition. No one person is ordinary everyone is original. Sometimes if you feel like your life is boring you have to spice things up a bit and you might consider doing something “abnormal”. If you think about everyone you know most of them have some kind of weird tendancy that they do or say. Some of your friends may mumble to himself or herself, or say really random things that don't make sense and carry on conversations in their sleep. To me these things and things like these are not abnormal. They are the characteristics that make people unique.

If everyone acted the same life would be quite boring. I grew up in a crazy family, we’re loud, we talk about random things, and we probably don’t make sense to a lot of people. I guess that is why I have a different definition of normal. Ok there are some characteristics that everyone considers abnormal, but those are mostly things that freak people out. For example, someone who hides in the bushes and jumps out at people because they like hearing people scream. Now that is abnormal and scary, but everyone has something weird up their sleeve and if it is not visible it is hiding in their closet. All you have to do to open the flood gate, make them feel comfortable, get to know them and the truth comes out. There are probably some people that think that they are “normal” people, but I guarantee if they asked one of their best friends if they do anything abnormal, the answer would hash up some dirt. I guess the fact that we are all abnormal gives us a sense of normalcy. So my definition of normalcy is in fact abnormal.

2 Response to "Normalcy"

tpi648 Says:

I think normal within the human domain is uniqueness

Dianeism Says:

Hm, i think i need that in layman's terms :)

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