
Posted by Dianeism , Sunday, December 12, 2010 4:10 PM

It's an eerie thing to walk amongst strangers sometimes. People you will never get to know. Their stories will remain a mystery, which always makes me sad. I've noticed that as I've gotten older, the more and more people won't look you in the eye. I am guilty of this as well, but if we pretend that each other are not there, then we loose a very real connection with the world and each other. It is easy to label a stranger as a bad driver or a moody customer, but this makes them loose other titles that you don't know anything about. The moody customer may have recently been titled widower. If you think of everyone as being very complex, your connection will come to life. People are loosing a sense of responsibility to others. The responsibility to let someone get in front of them on the highway or if someone is being bullied to stop it from happening. If you take responsibility for yourself and others, you are linking the chains of change. You help someone and others follow suit. Bad behavior is contagious and so is good. The more we ignore each other, the more empty we become.

1 Response to "Emptiness"

Frankie Says:

I have often wondered about people I encounter that I do not know . I know they have their own fascinating stories (or dull )that I will never know its kind of sad in ways. I however lived in Jersey for 21 years and got used to the road rage (as we call it)My patience is great all around usually but Just in recent years I been having the patience for traffic .I understand these days that not everyone is in a rush to get from point A to B.Sometimes I envy that ,people just enjoying life perhaps.I have actually been that guy at times driving the country roads.When someone rides my tail while driving I figure "this guys in a hurry "so what do I do? I go even slower. LOL This was a great blog .The Look in the eye situation I encounter on both ends . For some reason when I am upset with a coworker or family member I tend to not look them in the eye during confrontations.I say what I have to say and thats it.I got to work on that . oops! left a drawn our novel again .

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