
Posted by Dianeism , Saturday, November 13, 2010 7:26 AM

Everyone is guilty of it, sometimes more than others. It's so easy to be selfish, that's why it's so bad. It's easier to do what you want than it is to do what someone else asks of you. But, the more and more you do what you want, the more and more others get disappointed in you. In response, you'll get this unsettling feeling. The more happy you try to make yourself with doing what you want, the more unhappy you will feel, which you may not even realize. As others notice this inevitable action in you, they will then expect it and in return you will continue to live up to their expectations. And of course the opposite is true, that if you only do what others want, then they will walk all over you. One of the hardest things in life to juggle is balance. And just like a person with an addiction (you do have have an addiction to pleasing yourself only or being a people pleaser) you first must realize you have a problem, then take baby steps to correcting it when you see you are falling back on bad habits. Think of yourself as a service to the wants and needs of others and your own and maybe that will help you tip the scale.

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