
Posted by Dianeism , Tuesday, July 20, 2010 6:01 PM

I do believe in magic, not necessarily the card tricks or the illusions, but that the impossible can be possible. Of course it is hard to entertain the idea that magic and mystery are logical or realistic. However, there are things that cannot be explained. UFO sightings are prime examples of that and I myself have seen strange things in the sky that do not look like helicopters or planes. Miracles happen all the time too, I've read about them and witnessed some things in my life that without a doubt can not be explained by logic. The logical minded people can argue around any of the mysterious things that happen, but in truth the world is not meant to be 100% logical, emotional, or explainable. It supposed to be a mixture of emotional and logical and an equal happy balance. As long as the emotional people recognize the fact they could be wrong and vice versa for the logical minded. The simple fact that we are even here on earth is a miracle. I also consider the fact that people can fall in love and stay in love for 50 years a miracle...we all know that the opposite sex ain't so easy to live with sometimes. Take it from my great Italian immigrant grandmother who asked for a divorce from her husband of like 50 years on their anniversary haha (they didn't get divorced). Maybe I'm just a big kid still and like to dream, but sometimes dreams are more interesting than reality.

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